Red Silk pomegranate tree growing in Ray Garden Day

We planted a Red Silk Pomegranate tree in our backyard in the Spring of 2019. It has no fruits but has doubled in size in just over a year. To me, it is making good progress. From my years of growing them, I have learned that some patience is required when growing a pomegranate tree as it needs two to three years before it bears any fruits.

Pomegranates cultivation dates back centuries and is referred to as the “fruit of paradise” by traders of ancient days.

Why grow pomegranate?

Open Wonderful pomegranate fruit revealing red-purple arils
Open Wonderful pomegranate fruit revealing red-purple arils

Our own reason for growing pomegranate is because the seeds, or arils, are delicious, nutritious sweet-tart taste. I would describe the taste and texture crisp like an apple. The arils are full of antioxidants and are thought to have many health benefits. And, pomegranates are relatively easy to grow.

How easy is it to grow Red Silk pomegranate tree?

We live in southern Arizona, the American Southwest. Here, pomegranates grow just as well as cacti and remain greener than a Tumbleweed in the desert heat. Just as well as pomegranates need full sun and drought tolerance. Like us, if you are lucky enough to live in USDA growing zones 8-10, then you’re set.

The Red Silk pomegranate tree is easy to grow and maintain. The dwarf cultivar grows to around six feet in height, making it perfect for small urban gardens or for containers on the patio. I’m currently growing a semi-dwarf variety. Its suggested height is 15-20 feet. Started out as a shrub, but I have since removed the extra stems protruding from the ground leaving a single trunk. This is often referred to as tree prune.

Site selection for pomegranate tree

Red Silk pomegranate site selection
Removing rocks and clearing a site for Red Silk pomegranate tree planting

Selecting a proper planting site and placement is critical when planting pomegranate trees in the home garden. I chose the North East corner for our Red Silk pomegranate tree. The planting hole is a few feet away from the west-facing and south-facing walls. I will train the tree to hug the walls. Creating an edible garden boundary, as a result.

Do Red Silk pomegranate like full sun?

Like other varieties of pomegranate, Red Silk needs at least 6 hours of direct sun every day to thrive. Pomegranates, including Red Silk, grow well in hot climates and some varieties require heat during the fruit ripening period for color and flavor.

How much water do Red Silk pomegranates need?

Many pomegranate varieties are well-suited for the desert climate. Despite this, the first 6 months of our newly transplanted Red Silk tree required frequent watering to become established. After that, the tree receives weekly watering from the drip irrigation line.

Moringa tree berm filled with mulch
Moringa tree berm filled with mulch

A technique I often use when planting a tree is to create a berm wide enough to cover the root zone. I will then run an irrigation line along the boundary of the basin with emitters spaced a foot apart. Now that our tree gets adequate water to keep it healthy and happy, I finish off by filling the basin with a 4-inch layer of mulch to help the soil retain moisture.

I fertilize pomegranate trees together in March and November each year.

Ray Garden

Ray Garden Day

I discovered I have a knack for gardening. In 2015, with my wife, Marina, I embarked on a mission to turn our urban backyard from barren to a bountiful oasis. Our goal was to create a functional outdoor space, that is distinct yet unified, a space for outdoor living and recreation and garden space for me to grow food. Within a few years, we’d established a garden consisting of raised beds and fruit trees and vines. Our family grew and we were blessed with an extra pair of little hands to help in the garden. The following year we’d completed living space with an installation of a gazebo and artificial turf. Play structures for our kids and cats will complete our garden transformation.

From the outset, I documented my experiences and have started a blog, this site, to share our trials and tribulations in the hope to inspire and help you to create the garden of your dreams.

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  1. I am curious to know how productive the Red Silk variety is in Arizona heat. Where did you get the plant? I am unable to locate this variety in Phoenix area (can go to Tucson if needed). Would appreciate your help in finding it. Thanks.

    1. Ray Garden

      Hey thank you for the comment. This year we got three fruits on the Red Silk. Not a lot but that’s a standard for a young pomegranate tree. I bought mine from Mesquite Valley Growers, The best time to buy is early spring when they restock them. I believe Mesquite sourced their pomegranates from Dave Wilson’s Nursery (they supply to Phoenix too)

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